GST row: Uttar Pradesh on board, MP and Rajasthan differ

28th July, 2014


GST row: Uttar Pradesh on board, MP and Rajasthan ditherThere's both good news and bad news on the goods & services tax (GST). The good news is that Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has softened his position and said he's not opposed to the plan as long as the state's concerns are addressed.


The bad news is that having a BJP government at the Centre doesn't necessarily mean that states governed by the party — especially Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan — are any more amenable to the uniform levy that's aimed at turning the country into a common market.


The main sticking point is still the fear that states won't be compensated for the tax revenue they forego under the proposed regime. This is what Yadav told Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in an August 1 note: "I have learnt that the central government is working towards speedy implementation of GST and would like to say that in principle Uttar Pradesh is not opposed to GST but there were a few concerns that the state government has which need to be looked into and a consensus arrived upon."


Just a few months ago, Yadav and his Samajwadi Party government were staunchly opposed to GST. Senior Samajwadi Party MP Naresh Agarwal, a member of the parliamentary standing committee on finance, added a note of dissent in the report on GST submitted by the panel in August 2013. He submitted objections by him and the state to GST, saying it infringed on the state government's rights.


The Samajwadi Party had spoken against GST even during the Lok Sabha election. The Uttar Pradesh goverment were staunchly opposed to GST. Senior Samajwadi Party MP Naresh Agarwal, a member of the parliamentary standing committee on finance, added a note of dissent in the report on GST submitted by the panel in August 2013. He submitted objections by him and the state to GST, saying it infringed on the state government's rights.


The Samajwadi Party had spoken against GST even during the Lok Sabha election. The Uttar Pradesh government may come on board if the central government shows some flexibility, said a senior bureaucrat associated with the decision-making on matter. Jaitley said in his July 10 budget speech that the issues relating to implementation of GST would be sorted out this year itself.


The Centre has been trying to introduce GST for many years as it looks to eliminate more than a dozen types of tax at the central and state level that hinder economic growth and add immeasurably to costs through corruption, delays and other factors. GST could give the economy an additional boost of as much as 1.7 per cent, according to a report by the National Council of Applied Economic Research in New Delhi.


For the Uttar Pradesh government, GST could notionally help it push for accelerated growth, although its term ends in two-anda-half years. Yadav told Jaitley in his letter that the issues on which a consensus needed to be arrived at included threshold limits, tax-free goods, tax rates, dual control, place of supply rules and revenue-neutral rates.


Yadav hoped that the Centre would "positively" consider these demands in the "spirit of mutual cooperation". He said the GST legislation contends that state government Acts related to taxes on goods and services need to be scrapped within a year of the levy being imposed. But there was no certainty that the GST Council would be able to implement a mutually agreeable GST regime in that time, he said.


The chief minister said the constitutional amendment Bill that needs to be passed to make GST possible has kept crude, highspeed diesel, petrol, natural gas and aviation turbine fuel within the purview of the levy, though Uttar Pradesh derives substantial revenue from these products. Yadav said that apart from these products, light diesel oil, furnace oil, residual furnace oil and tobacco and tobacco products should also be kept out of GST.


As GST would see the abolition of central sales tax, which would lead to loss of revenue for state governments, Yadav has demanded matching compensation from the Centre for 10 years from the date GST is implemented.


The eight-page letter to the finance minister lists various demands in return for backing GST. While Yadav seems to have relented, the concerns of chief ministers in BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan may make arriving at a consensus on the transition to the new tax all the more elusive.


Sources in the finance departments of both the BJP-ruled states said while their governments remain committed to the introduction of the GST "in principle", full support for the transition will be extended only once specific concerns about some of the provisions in the existing GST draft are addressed. After the budget, there have been two meetings of the empowered committee of state finance ministers, which has been discussing this issue for several years now.


Jammu & Kashmir Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather currently chairs this committee. One meeting was in June, another in July. A third meeting on GST is slated to be held on August 20. From all available indications this meeting won't be the last. "There are several issues of many states, including ours. They won't be resolved in this single meeting. We will have to meet again," Madhya Pradesh Finance Minister Jayant Mallaya told ET over the phone from Bhopal.


The state's demands include "keeping petroleum as a state subject, clarity on tax transactions when goods are transported from one state to another, etc." Rajasthan Finance Secretary Subhash Chandra Garg said state Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, who also holds the finance portfolio, has had two meetings with Jaitley on the issue and three major demands have been raised in the meetings.


"We are not in favour of merging entry tax into VAT (value added tax). We also seek the right to levy additional VAT on tobacco products and (that) the right to levy entertainment tax for local bodies should rest with the state administration," Garg said.